Friday, 8 July 2011

:Senaman untuk badan berbentuk pear:

Epal dan pear! Kedua-dua kelihatan sedap bukan? 

Epal atau nama saintifiknya Malus domestica berasal dari keluarga Rosaceae. Epal merupakan antara tanaman yang paling banyak ditanam di dunia. Dibawah adalah contoh-contoh variasi epal yang terdapat di seluruh negara.

Mana satu pilihan anda?

Antara kebaikan epal adalah,

1. Epal rendah kalori dan lemak , rendah natrium dan mengandungi vitamin-vitamin , mineral serta serat . Ini boleh membantu untuk mengurangkan berat badan .

2. Amalan memakan sebiji epal atau meminum jusnya setiap hari cukup untuk membekalkan khasiat bagi mengurangkan kandungan kolesterol dalam badan.  Kajian menunjukkan, epal mengandungi elemen kesihatan 'phytonutrient' yang boleh melambatkan pengoksidaan kolesterol yang tidak baik iaitu satu proses yang berperanan dalam pertumbuhan penyakit jantung.

3. Melindungi otak daripada bahaya penyakit Parkinson & Alzheimer

4. Kanak-kanak yang memakan makanan segera dan kemudian memakan epal atau meminum jusnya, sebenarnya menyeimbangkan kembali kandungan zat dan mencegah berlaku lemak dalam badan.

"An apple a day, keeps a doctor away, right?"

Pear atau nama saintifiknya Pyrus communis ('European pear') adalah berasal dari keluarga Rosaceae. Terdapat banyak variasi pear yang ditanam secara meluas di seluruh negara berikutan rasanya yang sedap dan juga berkhasiat. 

Tahukah anda, 

1. Pear berkesan utk melegakan sakit dada akibat batuk yg keterlaluan, contohnya akibat penyakit Tuberculosis (TB) atau batuk kering. Pengidap TB akan merasai sakit menusuk di paru2 setiap kali batuk yg berlanjutan. Pear dipercayai dapat melegakan kesakitan itu walaupun untuk sementara. 

2. Pear bersifat 'diuretic' dan 'laxcitive'. Ia sesuai untuk melancarkan sistem penghadaman terganggu akibat pengambilan makanan yg terlalu berminyak atau terlalu pedas. Oleh kerana ia mempunyai serat, pear baik utk alat pencernaan dan saluran makanan dalam tubuh seperti perut, usus kecil dan besar. Perut yg sebu akibat terlebih makan juga dapat dilegakan dengan segelas jus pir. 

3. Pear bersifat sejuk dan ini menjadikan ia sesuai untuk meredakan demam panas

4. Bagi wanita mengandung, ia dapat meredakan rasa loya akibat 'morning sickness' dan juga untuk mabuk perjalanan.

Jika anda bercadang untuk membuat sendiri jus pear, hampasnya jangan dibuang begitu saja. Ia boleh dibuat bahan dalam roti atau boleh dijadikan baja untuk tanaman.


Disebalik khasiat dan kelazatan kedua-dua buahan diatas, epal dan pear merupakan simbolik kepada bentuk badan manusia. 

Perempuan terutamanya amat mengidami badan berbentuk jam pasir umpama Adriana Lima, Angelina Jolie, Eva Mendez, Monica Belluci, dan ramai lagi. 

Bagi mereka yang mempunyai bentuk badan seperti buah pear, amalkan senaman dibawah untuk mendapat bentuk tubuh yang ideal.

a) Kerusi bayangan

1. Berdiri tegak sambil bersandar pada dinding.

2. Rehatkan tangan pada dinding dan turunkan badan perlahan-lahan. Turunkan badan sehingga kedudukan badan seperti sedang duduk. Bayangkan anda sedang duduk di atas kerusi.

3. Bila anda sudah ‘duduk’, cuba bertahan selama mana yang anda boleh sebelum anda berdiri tegak semula. Kebanyakan orang hanya boleh bertahan untuk beberapa saat sahaja pada permulaan. Setelah membiasakan diri, anda pasti akan dapat bertahan lebih lama.

4. Pastikan badan anda tegak semasa ‘duduk’.

5. Cuba capai 10 saat pada permulaan, dan bertahan sehingga 1 minit setelah melakukannya beberapa kali. Lakukan 5 kali setiap hari.

b) Pergerakan menggunting

Latihan ini menumpukan bahagian peha sebelah dalam. 

1. Baring atas lantai dengan kedua belah tangan di sisi.
2. Angkat kedua belah kaki lebih kurang 45 darjah.
3. Bayangkan pergerakan gunting semasa memotong kertas. Silangkan kaki anda dengan kaki kanan bersilang di atas kaki kiri. Kemudian, tukar kaki kepada kaki kiri pula bersilang di atas kaki kanan. 

4. Ulang langkah ini 12 – 15 kali untuk setiap set. Anda akan dapat rasa tekanan di otot-otot bahagian peha anda.

c) Pusingan bulatan

1. Baring mengiring di atas lantai dengan sebelah tangan anda ke atas (baring berbantalkan lengan anda) dan letakkan tapak tangan sebelah lagi di atas lantai di hadapan perut anda. 

2. Angkat sebelah kaki ke atas setinggi yang boleh. Tarik nafas, dan pusingkan kaki yang anda angkat itu mengikut pusingan jam. Gerakkan seluruh kaki tanpa menggerakkan pinggul anda. 

3. Buat pusingan jam sebanyak 5 kali sebelum ulang langkah tersebut menggunakan kaki yang sebelah lagi pula. Lakukan sehingga 10 set jika boleh.

d) Pakai kasut tumit tinggi

1. Memakai kasut tinggi boleh membentuk otot betis dan peha. Walaupun kita kena beringat yang amalan memakai kasut tinggi ini boleh memberi kesan buruk kepada kaki dan postur, oleh itu anda perlulah berhati-hati! Kajian mengatakan bahawa kita tidak sepatutnya menggunakan kasut tumit tinggi yang melebihi 2 inci!

2. Kepada pengidap scoliosis, jangan sekali-kali memakai kasut tumit  tinggi!

e) Melompat diatas trampoline

1. Melompat di atas trampoline ini sangat baik untuk peredaran darah dalam badan, pembakaran lemak, meningkatkan metabolism, mengurangkan selulit dan membentuk kaki yang cantik. 

2. Lakukan aktiviti ini selama setengah jam dapat membakar hampir 200 kalori dalam badan. Ia juga aktiviti yang sangat menarik yang anda boleh lakukan bersama keluarga mahupun rakan-rakan anda!

3. Sukar untuk mendapatkan trampoline? Cubalah 'skipping'! Terbukti mampu menguruskan badan. Mulakan dengan tetapan 10-20 kali 'skipping sehari. Jika mampu, amalkan sebanyak 100 kali sehari. Selamat berusaha! 


Hutofhotstuffs, 2011.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

:Islam is the way of life (Individual focus):

My thoughts on 'Islam is the way of life'. 

Islam is the way of life offered guidance for a better life based on Islamic principals. There are five basic pillars in Islam. Faith (Shahadah), pray (salah), fasting in holy month of Ramadan, alms- due (Zakah), and pilgrimage (Hajj), are essential for Muslims who want to fulfill the duty of submission to Allah. By doing so, that person fulfills the purpose of his life as a Muslim in general. As a Muslim, it is our obligation to obey the rules set by God (Allah). However, Allah has granted freedom to human beings to use their intellectual abilities to make decisions and to take actions regarding their way of life. Practicing Islam in every way of life will attributes to a better-quality life for Muslims as we lived in guidance following the Islamic approaches.

Individually focus, Islam stresses upon the balance approach of materials need. It is our duty to work and earn money in order to sustain our life. Islam has provided moderate and balance approaches to individual physical needs based on the teachings of Al Quran and As Sunnah. Islam teaches Muslims to earn money via legal, fair, dignified sources, and forbid income from cheating, stealing, gambling, prostitution, and et cetera.

Islam encourages their believers to sustain and living in a healthy, stress-free life-style. In order to sustain a healthy life-style, the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness is emphasized. Livings in a cozy and comfortable environment later bring inner peace to our soul and draw away stress and potential-mental-health problems.

Islam also nurtures person’s innate goodness and kindness. There is a major emphasis on adopting positive values that include honesty, sincerity, generosity, modesty, decency, dignity, steadfastness, cheerfulness, and et cetera. Islam teaches us to do good things.

It seems perfect, from balancing the materials needed, the emphasizing of healthy life style and the importance of adopting positive values to produce a well-nurtured human being. However as a Muslim, Islam teaches us to be grateful and express our gratitude spiritually by performing prayers (salah). Salah is an expression of gratefulness to Allah and is a method of purifying the heart and soul. During prayers, Muslims continually seek guidance to continue their daily lives. Salah is what separates the Muslims and non-Muslims. Practicing ‘Islam is the way of life’ is perfectly covers the whole aspects of human needs; physically, mentally, and spiritually.

This is from my personal view. I would love to write more about Islam and other religious, but I am short of knowledge. Lots of books need to be read, lots of religious talk need to be attended, but hey, there is no restriction in gaining more and more knowledge right? Come, let us read together. Make books your best buddy!

"I have a weird hobby. I love to buy books. Sometimes I ask myself, will I read this book? Well for me, books are the best investment ever! I should not worry about the outcome, books always give profits! This is what I believe."

Hutofhotstuffs, 2011.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

:Malaysian cabinet 2009-present:

Some of my beloved friends will be attending PTD examination next week. I guess this pretty much will help them to score in general knowledge section. This are lists of Malaysian Cabinet for the term 2009-present led by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Folks, good luck! Please zoom in to get a better view.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


How do you define the quality of life? Is having a stable-problem-free life guarantees that you have achieved a better quality of life? Have you ever heard a quote saying that ‘It is quality rather than quantity that matters’. How do you manage your time or even your own self in daily lives? When was the last time you experienced a relaxing massage at SPA? Or are you a workaholic or a super busy mom who finds rest only when the day ends?

Quality of life is indicated not only by wealth and employment, but also by the built environment, physical and mental health, education, recreation and leisure time, and social belonging. Human beings unconsciously carry a huge bag called ‘burden of life’ with them. The size may be different but I do believe every one of us does has one . What makes it even differ is how well you embrace the problems, change the negativity of it, see problems in a larger view, and be positive.

Managing your life efficiently will offer a tremendous improvement in your life-style which covers every aspects of life, as I would love to highlight here in this blog. I divided quality of life to time and self- management, hygiene and healthcare, leisure and interest, global issues and general knowledge.

1. Time and self-management - Find yourself stuck under a pile of work? You really need to sit down, take a deep breath, and make a to-do-list! Well, that’s a flash example. We will hear and read more what experts say and research that has been done in order to help people in managing their time well.

2. Hygiene and healthcare - In the range of 1 to 10, how hygienic are you? Are you brushing your teeth before you go to bed? Are you wearing the same shirt or panty for three consecutive days? Are you suffering an intense headache? Where was the last time you went for jog? Do you know or ever heard of the food pyramid? Sit still, even if you are a hygiene-dummy, here in this blog, I will share with you even the lightest thing of hygiene and health care, from the right way of brushing teeth, proper exercise to do at home, to lots of tips including diet!

3. Leisure and interest – What do you love best? Some say cooking, drawing, designing, crafting, music, arts, sports, nature, pets, books, and et cetera. To achieve a good quality of life, I believe the addition of interest in your daily lives is crucial! All works and no play make Jack a dull boy! We will provide you sources of information regarding the interest highlighted above and please make them one of your interests too!

4. Global issues and general knowledge – Lots of things are happening in this world, in or outside our region. How are you going to practice a great quality of life if you do not even realize that your area is listed as a red zone for H1N1? People with wide general knowledge are respectable. Most of successful people are alert with what is going on around them. They read a lot. Politic, global warming, earthquake, and many more articles, review, and writing, will be shared here for sure!

From now on, stay with me as I will update and help you in getting a better quality of life!  

The sources of knowledge lie where you started your search or journey. Mine is no exception. This is where I started. I decide not where my final destination will be as my passion is not how my last page of life is written but I seek what the journey may offer, something worthy, something like 'the knowledge of life'.

Hutofhotstuffs, 2011.