Tuesday, 3 May 2011


How do you define the quality of life? Is having a stable-problem-free life guarantees that you have achieved a better quality of life? Have you ever heard a quote saying that ‘It is quality rather than quantity that matters’. How do you manage your time or even your own self in daily lives? When was the last time you experienced a relaxing massage at SPA? Or are you a workaholic or a super busy mom who finds rest only when the day ends?

Quality of life is indicated not only by wealth and employment, but also by the built environment, physical and mental health, education, recreation and leisure time, and social belonging. Human beings unconsciously carry a huge bag called ‘burden of life’ with them. The size may be different but I do believe every one of us does has one . What makes it even differ is how well you embrace the problems, change the negativity of it, see problems in a larger view, and be positive.

Managing your life efficiently will offer a tremendous improvement in your life-style which covers every aspects of life, as I would love to highlight here in this blog. I divided quality of life to time and self- management, hygiene and healthcare, leisure and interest, global issues and general knowledge.

1. Time and self-management - Find yourself stuck under a pile of work? You really need to sit down, take a deep breath, and make a to-do-list! Well, that’s a flash example. We will hear and read more what experts say and research that has been done in order to help people in managing their time well.

2. Hygiene and healthcare - In the range of 1 to 10, how hygienic are you? Are you brushing your teeth before you go to bed? Are you wearing the same shirt or panty for three consecutive days? Are you suffering an intense headache? Where was the last time you went for jog? Do you know or ever heard of the food pyramid? Sit still, even if you are a hygiene-dummy, here in this blog, I will share with you even the lightest thing of hygiene and health care, from the right way of brushing teeth, proper exercise to do at home, to lots of tips including diet!

3. Leisure and interest – What do you love best? Some say cooking, drawing, designing, crafting, music, arts, sports, nature, pets, books, and et cetera. To achieve a good quality of life, I believe the addition of interest in your daily lives is crucial! All works and no play make Jack a dull boy! We will provide you sources of information regarding the interest highlighted above and please make them one of your interests too!

4. Global issues and general knowledge – Lots of things are happening in this world, in or outside our region. How are you going to practice a great quality of life if you do not even realize that your area is listed as a red zone for H1N1? People with wide general knowledge are respectable. Most of successful people are alert with what is going on around them. They read a lot. Politic, global warming, earthquake, and many more articles, review, and writing, will be shared here for sure!

From now on, stay with me as I will update and help you in getting a better quality of life!  

The sources of knowledge lie where you started your search or journey. Mine is no exception. This is where I started. I decide not where my final destination will be as my passion is not how my last page of life is written but I seek what the journey may offer, something worthy, something like 'the knowledge of life'.

Hutofhotstuffs, 2011.